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4th June 2011

p_zeitgeist12:55am: Friday, June 3, 2011
  • [ profile] facetofcathy: Links about representation - I want writers (in the general sense) to expand their character palette. But in the specific, I want writers to do it out of a drive to write that particular character as a character, not as an ambassador from planet X!Identity making a special guest appearance in fic now for the very first time. -

  • [ profile] bironic: [in kink_bingo] Force Me, Please: On Noncon and Noncon Play in Fanfic - This is an essay about nonconsensual sex (noncon) and noncon roleplay in fanfic, why I love them, why they may work for other people, and how approximately one zillion kinks complement them -
    (tags: kink fanfic)

  • [ profile] sailorptah: How to write Fic About Issues without it becoming Issuefic - Issuefic at its worst is didactic, boring, and with cookie-cutter characterization thanks to everything being subsumed by the goal of Making A Point, which is handled with about as much subtlety as a whack-a-mole mallet. (I could go on.)But for the most part, I don't think writers set out to lecture. They just set out to write Non Faily Fic about some srs bsns subject or another, and try too hard. -
    (tags: fanfic writing)

2nd June 2011

fairestcat2:08am: Wednesday, June 1, 2011
  • [ profile] needled_ink_1975: Mind their language! - Please, please don't go grabbing bits of foreign-to-you languages from those "Common Phrases in Language X" websites. You might be able to get away with it if you only use really common words like the translation for 'Okay/all right,' 'Yes,' 'No,' 'Please,' and 'Thank you.' Very often, you won't get away with any more than that. -

  • [ profile] elf: Cry OC, and let slip the sues of fic - I've been pondering which fandoms lend themselves to OC-heavy fic, maybe only-OC fic. I'm focusing on "normal" media fandoms, rather than things like games or works of art or songs; I'm not addressing fandoms that many fanfic archives wouldn't acknowledge as sources for fic. I want to think about (and therefore, inflict you) the fandoms that *could* have lots of OC fic, but just don't. -

  • [ profile] petra: [in kink_bingo] Ramp-up Essay: Writing Dirty Talk - My golden rules for writing dirty talk are "What would this character enjoy saying?" and "What would their partner(s) want to hear?" -
    (tags: kink writing)

  • [ profile] aris_tgd: [in kink_bingo] Ramp-up Essay: Discipline, and the Line Between Guilt and Shame - if you're writing discipline, if you figure out which side of the guilt/shame divide you're on, it's easier to figure out what kind of emotions need to be present in the scene. And focusing on those emotions can make any kind of writing more immediate, and give your characters something to focus on between counting blows. -
    (tags: kink writing)

  • [ profile] pinesandmaples: [in kink_bingo] Ramp-up Essay: Opening the door, or how fanfic changes everything - yes, we create awesome kinky pieces as part of this event, but there are larger implications! There is so much power and potential tied up in each piece we create and release into the wild. Who knows what switches it will flip, and what buttons it will push for someone who is searching? -

27th May 2011

p_zeitgeist11:49pm: Friday, May 27, 2011

26th May 2011

fairestcat12:12pm: Wednesday, May 25, 2011
  • [ profile] elf: Does "fanfic" mean "other people's characters?" - Is a writeup of a D&D game "fanfic?" Does it have to focus on the canonical characters & settings to be fanfic, or is the fact that it's set in a canonical world enough? The more I poke around fanfic things, the more it seems that "fanfic" often means "someone else's characters." Not someone else's settings; not fic inspired by a canonical source; not retelling someone else's stories. Those are acknowledged as fanfic (and Yuletide gets lots of them), but they get the sideways look, the double-take followed by, "oh yeah ... I guess that can be fanfic too." -
    (tags: fanfic gaming)

  • [ profile] slagsmacker: Location, Location, Location (or why am I here?) - Posting - Where femslash writers post/why/where femslash writers don't post/why -

  • [ profile] sqbr: Political fanart - I googled "political art" to get some ideas, and came across this post of 50 political artworks. And as I scrolled through thinking about what a transformative version of such art might look like I realised: many of them are transformative already. -
    (tags: fanart)

  • [ profile] snowynight: Where 're the femslash little black dress - My hypothesis about the lack of femslash little black dress is thus: There're just not enough female characters. Even nowadays a show can be without one female major character. -

19th May 2011

fairestcat3:03pm: Wednesday, May 18, 2011
  • [ profile] morgandawn: TEWFIBBA (weacatst)* - Three Easy Ways For Increasing Big Bang Accessibility (while eating a cookie at the same time) -

  • [ profile] morgandawn: Thoughts about making the Big Bang more accessible - More fans (not just ones with disabilities) are now using eReaders to read Big Bang fic. They're running into a few problems - not being able to access older fic or art when LJs or websites go down (by older I mean sometimes as little as a few months) and the amount of work it takes to reformat multi-part LJ stories into a format that an eReader can use. -

  • [ profile] helens78: Get your IJ, if you still want it - the number of people who are saying in comments that IJ "isn't your archive" and we "shouldn't expect IJ to archive our journals" are making me see red. I know that a lot of these people are probably kiddos whose primary experience in interactive journaling sites is the constant ephemery of Twitter and Tumblr, but those of us who have been keeping journals one place or another for ten years, and refer back to those entries? Yes, we do expect to be able to come back to our original service and see the archives of our past history, or the past history of our friends. -

  • [ profile] dragovianknight: Y'all know I love Insane Journal - But I am really, really not happy about the current purge of journals which haven't been active since January 2010. Not happy about the fact that Squeaky, who supposedly understood fandom and welcomed us, doesn't give a damn about wiping out stories and art and history which may not be archived anywhere else, and not happy about the fact that he set the journals to deleted, and THEN sent out emails telling us how to save our journals if we wanted to keep them. -
    (tags: IJ deleting)

  • [ profile] naraht: Is slash necessary? and further fannish fail from me - I continue to be thinky about the potentially problematic nature of saying "I don't have slash goggles, I only see what's actually in the canon." Does seeing clearly and contextually when it comes to queer representation imply a need for slash goggles, or perhaps simply an understanding of how they can operate to redress a long-standing and systemic representational imbalance? Is not being able to see that way a result of internalized heteronormative assumptions? And how is it that I grok The Celluloid Closet but not Kirk/Spock? -

  • [ profile] lightgetsin: Tumblr - Hi, I’m Light and I’m blind and I read political tumblrs, I read porn tumblrs, I read the fanfic flamingo, I read stupid tumblrs about cats. Please stop deciding I don’t get to like your stuff. -

  • [ profile] blueraccoon: what started as one thing, and turned into something else. - I cannot overemphasize how important safewords are. If you start fic without them, you're basically saying that no one has a right to say no, and how fucked up is that? Consent is not implied, and no one should be forced into ANYTHING without it. -

14th May 2011

lovelokest12:24pm: Saturday, May 14, 2011
This is a catchup post for the links we missed posting. Due to size, it is behind the cut.
Cut due to size )

18th April 2011

acari11:14pm: Monday, April 18, 2011
  • [ profile] sarken: Where do you prefer to read fic? - You know how some authors post the header to their story and then, instead of posting the text, include two clearly-marked links, one of which says something like, "Read this story on Dreamwidth," and the other says something like, "Read this story on Archive of Our Own"? I was just wondering what people do when they see that, so I present you with a poll. -

lovelokest7:17am: Sunday, April 17, 2011
  • skaredykat : When stories disappear - back again - Given that there is a culture/etiquette of respected pseudonymity in fandom, shouldn't it be extended to publicly viewable activity around a fan's works or presence once that fan is no longer online? That is, let's not make it publicly obvious that we're connecting dots or actively digging up and sharing past traces of their presence? -

  • danceswithgary : Very emphatically no - There are so many different reasons for fanworks or journals or blogs to have been deleted and every one is legitimate even if you don't like it because that person owns those items and it's their right to do what they like with them. If the creator has explicitly said they don't mind copies being distributed, that's one thing, but that shouldn't be the default action or assumed to be the case. -

  • kikiko_haru: [in riverside_ebook] Deleted Journals. Is the Fic Fair Game? Part 2 - It goes like this... a journal is deleted with all its fic. The author may or may not have expressed their wish as to what to do with fic still out there (ie request that it not be distributed anymore or so on), or maybe you just can't find the LJ-user anymore. But hey! someone over there *points* was industrious enough to save a copy of it to their hard drive and here you come looking for said fic and lo, the journal is gone. What's a fan to do? :O So you plead to the communities looking to see if you can find that industrious person and hope they're wiling to share. But...should one share?? -

  • vickyblueeyez: [in fandom_lawyers] Fic from deleted journals, fair game? - Recently an author deleted their fic from LJ and by deleting their accounts. The author cannot be reached. I've saved said fic as a PDF and don't know if I can distribute it. -

  • [ profile] sophinisba: Profiles on the AO3 - I would really like it if more people would put a little information there, especially links! The three things I would love to see people put in their profiles are-Where else they are on the web (like LJ/IJ/DW)-How to contact them privately-How they feel about uses of their work -
    (tags: ao3 podfic)

  • vickyblueeyez: Deleted fic lost and found - I'd like to create some kind of lost and found fic community. -

12th April 2011

acari10:59pm: Monday, April 12, 2011

  • [info]helens78: Vote Ticky! - I am in favor of tickys because tickys are a form of communication. They can help engender community and relationships in a way that can enhance comments rather than replacing them or taking away from them. When someone isn't commenting, it's impossible to know if it's because they're lost for words, aren't on a platform suitable for lengthy comments (how many users read the site from smartphones now?), don't have a lot of spoons, have to conserve typing time... or aren't reading and don't care. -
    (tags: dw comments)

  • [info]forthwritten: fanfiction and my younger self - These stories could express things I didn't know I wanted, didn't know existed. No matter how uncool it might be to admit to reading fanfiction, I can't deny that I'm grateful it's there. -

10th April 2011

lovelokest8:37am: Saturday, April 9, 2011
  • [ profile] melannen: Love & Marriage - One thing I love in a good SF story is ways of doing love, marriage, and romance that don't buy in to our society's idea of love+romance+sex+monogamy all on one single person as the only way to do it.I have a small collection of worlds that have come up with better ways, and I have a great deal of fun trying to fit the 'shipping debates from various fandoms into these other ways of looking at love. -
    (tags: poly fanfic)

  • [ profile] synecdochic: LiveJournal's DDoS and Russian Politics - So, people who grumble about "the Russians" taking over LJ should remember that in Russia, LiveJournal isn't just the top blogging platform, it's the blogging platform. It is Russia's free press. It is the tool being used to fight corruption and advance the cause of democracy. And, more practically to LJ users, the Russian-speaking sector of LJ is the reason LJ is still there at all. -
    (tags: lj ddos russia)

  • caras_galadhon: Things You Should Know When LJ Goes Down-- - Right, so. It looks like the DDoS has subsided for the moment, which means I have a chance to provide a quick post listing ways to keep yourself informed whenever LJ hiccups/goes down/experiences a blackout. -
    (tags: lj)

  • [ profile] killabeez: If you love us, you'll archive your fic. - If all this LJ trouble has brought one thing in to sharp relief, it's that what worries me about losing access to LJ is the fic. -
    (tags: archiving lj)

  • [ profile] the_shoshanna: sex, and slash sex scenes - At Muskrat Jamboree, I went to a panel on sexuality and slash fandom, and also to one on anal sex (which I went to mostly because I thought it would be hilarious, and it was, but it was also really interesting). And it seems that something I said may have gotten reported around, so I thought I'd repeat and expand on it a bit. -

  • [ profile] lim: Query: on reccing art - I really want your opinions/ideas on this: how to go about reccing art not on deviantArt -
    (tags: fanart reccing)

3rd April 2011

lovelokest9:55am: Saturday, April 2, 2011

22nd March 2011

acari9:20am: Monday, March 20, 2011

  • [info]princessofgeeks: categories and definitions again oh my - Is it better to discard the category of "femslash" in favor of an umbrella term, or is it better to preserve the category of "femslash" so that its profile within and without fandom is raised? [...]
    Is it more accurate nowadays to say that gen means "no romance" or that it means "no porn"?

  • [info]vito_excalibur: genderswap fic - And a number of us know women without vaginas. (And men without cocks, and so on.) So it occurred to me: why assume a genderswapped character would have all those things? What would a genderswap fic be like in which the former dude comes blinking out of the plot device physically the same in every way, but now a pre-op (or non-op, or whatever) trans woman? -

  • [info]yourlibrarian: Fannish origins - So to sum up, creative fannishness tends to spring from long-form, high-visibility projects with at least one attractive male lead and no popular roadblocks to a developing relationship among the leads. Around LJ/DW it also profits from a dark underside, even if that potential is never quite exploited in the show. This is no doubt why, while I quite enjoy Castle and Community, I don't feel any particular need to get involved with their fandoms. And while I find myself more intrigued by the potential in WC, it has yet to turn out an episode that grabs me by the neck and makes me see that the writers themselves know what they have on their hands. -
    (tags: fandom)

  • [info]faithwood: Babbling about fandom. - I think everyone, more than once, read a popular story and ended up loathing it, or they've read an unpopular story and found it brilliant, or a popular story they loved just like everyone else, or an unpopular story they hated just like everyone else. The first two scenarios anger or confuse us and the latter two make us feel validated. Neither scenario means we're right. -

  • [info]hollow_echos: How do You Define Success in the Fandom? - The fact that fandom involvement often changes for individuals makes it kind of tricky to consider how far an individual has come in the fandom. If only there were benchmarks, road signs, to let an individual gauge how they are progressing in their growth in the fandom. -

  • [info]princessofgeeks: two things make a post - Compared to ten years ago, are people more multi-fannish all at the same time than they used to be? Or is this my imagination? -

  • [info]penknife: Remix thoughts - For people who are currently panicking about their Remix assignments, some thoughts on what to do when you look at your remixee's stories and flail in distress: -

1st March 2011

acari10:19pm: Tuesday, March 1, 2011

  • [info]cimorene: GWG or Girlfriends-What-Girlfriends - a term I could potentially get a lot of use out of - My kneejerk reaction is "Of course!". We need a term for this, because this is a really common story type, on a par with PWP or UST. I'd love to see a world where this was a universal tag at AO3 and something that almost everyone in fandom tagged their bookmarks with on Delicious -

  • [info]paraka: An Open Letter to bjwewelled - From the comments you've left, I gather that we're interpreting your words in ways you didn't intend us to and it probably seems like we're reacting rather harshly. Some of that is us, we're bringing in a history of past interactions with people who have said similar things, but part of that is definitely how you've put things and how you're reacting. I'm hoping to help clarify why we're reacting so strongly and also to answer some of the questions you've had -
    (tags: podfic)

  • [info]frigg: All these words that we speak casually - Seeing others being routinely cruel with no repercussions will create a mood where cruelty is trivialised and pardoned. We can reverse that, from both outside and in. We can do good - even if they seem like small, tiny inconsistent things. We can call out bullies, people being insulting and lies for what they are. We can create safe pockets in unsafe places. We can warn off others we know would get hurt by something. We can console friends who have been hurt. We can choose not to turn a blind eye when somebody is being hurt or shamed. We can share and spread respect and openness even in wanky discussions. We can set rules for ourselves, and sometimes for others too. This is us, this is our community too, these are our places. We have a voice. -

  • [info]solarcat: Safe Sex (in MY porn!?) - what is YOUR take on the topic of safe-sex practices in porn? (Fic porn, filmed porn, whatever.) Does it turn you on/off? What about a distinct LACK of safe-sex practices in your porn? Do you sit there thinking, No condom?? >:( or UNF. I WILL BE IN MY BUNK!? -

  • [info]rosemaryandrue: Using Our Grown Up Voices ('ware bullying) - Yeah, fandom isn't high school. Sometimes it isn't even elementary school. So, what to do with all this, with the responsibility of being an adult and the wisdom we can learn from school? I'm not sure. I wanted to ask people to speak up, but I know the awful scars it leaves and how painful and hard it can feel to have any extra demands made of you when you've already been hurt. -
    (tags: bullying)

  • [info]zephre: Brain Flotsam - I offer this post as a safe space for people to discuss the problem of bullying in our online fan communities, the difficulty of painting all anonymous communities with the same brush, the emotions generated not only by the direct bullying but by the reactions of fans and fandom spaces to it, the differences between bullying and constructive criticism, and concrete actions that can help us move forward to stop bullying and reclaim our fandom spaces as safe and healthy communities. -

  • [info]venivincere: That damned mean meme is an arse, why anon love memes are different, and how to truly strike back - So to anyone who's been devastated by this group of idiots, please, please remember: opinions have to be voiced to have any meaning. Anons don't have a voice. Therefore, logically, anons can't have opinions. Don't waste a single moment more giving credence to an arse. Do what you want in this fandom, do it with abandon, share the love, the squee, the awesome art and stories. -

  • [info]kaneko: Writing tricks. Also tofu. - [...] I've been thinking about some of the tricks and cheats I use a lot -- some borrowed, some figured out through trial and error. So a few of my writing tricks. I'd love to know some of yours too! -
    (tags: writing)

22nd February 2011

acari11:17am: Monday, Febuary 21, 2011

17th February 2011


12th February 2011

lovelokest6:58pm: Saturday, February 12, 2011

9th February 2011

fairestcat11:25pm: Wednesday, February 9, 2011

7th February 2011

acari9:59pm: Monday, Febuary 7, 2011
inalasahl11:28am: Sunday, February 6, 2011
  • [info]ithiliana: Sai Gaddam and Ogi Ogas: A Billion Wicked Thoughts - However, given the ways in which Ogas and Gaddam tried to portray themselves as academic researchers in their foray into fandom, and the fact that they've gotten blurbs from (mostly) male academics, and the marketing language about how this work will affect sex researchers and therapists (omfg), I think it's important to emphasize that the work is neither academic nor undergone any type of peer review. -

  • [ profile] rodo: Wake Up, Yestergeek: The Times They Are A-Changing - Geek culture has always been derivative because culture has always been derivative. Your heroes remixed just as much as the fans do now. Geek culture has also always changed. Your daughter, if she is a geek, will have a geek culture of her own that you will not understand because it is not yours, anymore than my father understood mine, since his geekiness was limited to Karl May, Raumpatrouille Orion, Perry Rhodan and Franco-Belgian comics by René Goscinny. The times they are a-changing. Suck it up. -
    (tags: geek-culture)

6th February 2011

lovelokest12:33am: Saturday, February 5, 2011

1st February 2011

acari4:52pm: Monday, January 31, 2011

  • [info]sophiap: Ficcish question - When considering what is or isn't canon when reading or writing a fic, what do people think of the various 'extras' that are available for a number of series these days? -
    (tags: canon)

30th January 2011

lovelokest9:41am: Saturday, January 29, 2011

11th January 2011

inalasahl9:56am: Sunday, January 9, 2011
  • [ profile] facetofcathy: I started thinking while reading the other day. - So what if slash sex is all about the penis because it's one way of writing female sexuality that isn't all about the vagina. And does it need to be said that, for a lot of women, vaginal penetration might feel wonderful and delightful and be intensely meaningful, but will never, ever ever be the star of the show for them physically because it cannot make them orgasm? Is the anus barely mentioned in some of these sex scenes out of squeamishness or ignorance or received fannish culture? Or is it because the writer and readers want to read about sex where the clitoris, which is the biologically analogous body part in cis women to the penis in cis men, gets to get out there, drive the action and really get some focused, visible, physical attention. -

  • [info]swan_tower: Writing Fight Scenes: Who? - There are a lot of details packed into the question of who, and those details can have a strong effect on how the fight goes. So let's take a moment to unpack them. -
    (tags: writing)

  • [ profile] sage: cane rage - I just read an H50 fic where Kono took Danny's cane away from him and I am so unbelievably pissed off. You NEVER take a disabled person's cane away. I don't care if they have a permanent disability or a short-term injury -- it's the same exact thing as taking away someone's wheelchair if they use a wheelchair to get around. It's tantamount to unlawful imprisonment, since you are preventing that person from moving where they want to go, defending themself from harm, or escaping danger, and you are potentially putting their life at risk. -

  • [info]lionessvalenti: Review Replies - Do you reply to your reviews? Why or why not? -
    (tags: reviewing)

17th December 2010

p_zeitgeist11:20pm: Friday, December 17, 2010
Compiler's note: All today's links deal with the report of Yahoo's termination of delicious and the impact this would have on fandom. Yahoo has since announced that it plans to sell delicious rather than shut it down.

Rumors of Death )

4th December 2010

lovelokest9:52pm: Saturday, December 4, 2010
    glockgal: [in glockart] Drawing Characters of Colour - Everyone's techniques are different. No one can teach you how to break out of the box, other than yourself (LEARNING MOMENT!! awwwww!) However, I do have some fun suggestions/exercises for you to try out, if you're interested in more learning moments with yourself! -
    (tags: fanart howto race)

  • kalichan: what's love got to do with it: my thoughts on *fail - All of these creators and creations have demonstrated failures of principle--failures of rightness, and I acknowledge this. And I think we should talk about it. Let's pull them to pieces. Let's call them out. Let's attack. Let's explain how they could be better. Let's work harder to be better ourselves and let's remember how and why these failed, and how they succeeded, if they did. Let's understand that none of this will change the fact that I love them. And it doesn't need to, because that's not what we're talking about here. That's not what we're trying to change. -
    (tags: fandom, race,)

  • [ profile] brownbetty: If someone has already done the statistical analysis of this shit, link me? - Do people think that the structure of kink_memes encourage a certain structure of fic, because of the shorter comment limits? -

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